Sunday, May 18, 2008


Mengumpat: Perbuatan menghapus dosa.

"MENGUMPAT ialah menceritakan atau menyebut keburukan atau kekurangan seseorang kepada orang lain. Perbuatan itu mungkin menyebabkan kesusahan, kerugian, perasaan malu dan mendapat nama buruk akibat cerita itu.

Rasulullah saw menjelaskan mengenai mengumpat seperti sabda bermaksud:

"Mengumpat itu ialah apabila kamu menyebut perihal saudaramu dengan sesuatu perkara yang dibencinya." (Hadis riwayat Muslim)

Mengumpat berlaku sama ada disedari atau tidak. Perbuatan itu termasuk apabila menyebut atau menceritakan keburukan biarpun tanpa menyebut nama pelakunya tetapi diketahui ia difahami oleh orang mendengarnya.

Mengumpat banyak mendatangkan keburukan.

Oleh itu, Islam melarang umatnya mengumpat.

Memandangkan betapa buruk dan hinanya mengumpat, ia disamakan seperti memakan daging saudara seagama. Manusia waras tidak sanggup memakan daging manusia, inikan pula daging saudara sendiri.

Firman Allah bermaksud:

"Dan janganlah sesetengah kamu mengumpat setengah daripada kamu. Adakah seorang daripada kamu suka makan daging bangkai saudaranya, tentunya kamu semua membenci memakannya..." (Surah al-Hujurat, ayat 12).

Dosa mengumpat bukan saja besar, malah antara dosa yang tidak akan diampunkan oleh Allah biarpun pelakunya benar-benar bertaubat.

Dosa mengumpat hanya layak diampunkan oleh orang diumpatkan. Selagi orang yang diumpatnya tidak mengampunkan, maka dosa itu akan kekal dan menerima pembalasannya pada akhirat.

Sabda Rasulullah saw bermaksud:

"Awaslah daripada mengumpat kerana mengumpat itu lebih berdosa daripada zina. Sesungguhnya orang melakukan zina apabila dia bertaubat, Allah akan menerima taubatnya. Dan, sesungguhnya orang melakukan umpat tidak akan diampunkan dosanya sebelum diampun oleh orang diumpat." (Hadis riwayat Ibnu Abib Dunya dan Ibnu Hibbad).

Disebabkan mengumpat terlalu biasa dilakukan, maka ia tidak dirasakan lagi sebagai satu perbuatan dosa. Hakikat inilah perlu direnungkan oleh semua.

Tidak ramai melakukan zina kerana dosanya amat besar tetapi ramai tidak sedar setiap hari melakukan dosa lebih besar daripada zina.

Mengumpat dan mencari kesalahan orang lain akan mendedahkan diri pelakunya diperlakukan perkara yang sama oleh orang lain.

Allah akan membalas perbuatan itu dengan mendedahkan keburukan pada dirinya.

Sabda Rasulullah bermaksud:

"Wahai orang beriman dengan lidahnya tetapi belum beriman dengan hatinya! Janganlah kamu mengumpat kaum Muslim, dan janganlah kamu mengintip-intip keaibannya. Sesungguhnya, sesiapa yang mengintip keaiban saudaranya, maka Allah akan mengintip keaibannya, dan dia akan mendedahkannya, meskipun dia berada dalam rumahnya sendiri."
(Hadis riwayat Abu Daud).

Maksud hadis itu dengan jelas membuktikan orang mengumpat dikategorikan sebagai belum beriman dengan hatinya biarpun lidahnya mengaku beriman.

Orang mengumpat bakal dimalukan biarpun dia berada di rumahnya sendiri.

Kesan buruk mengumpat boleh menyebabkan perbalahan dan perasaan tidak senang dalam masyarakat.

Perasaan iri hati, marah, benci dan dendam mudah merebak daripada perbuatan mengumpat. Ia mungkin boleh merebak sehingga mencetuskan huru- hara dan pembunuhan.

Mengumpat juga boleh berlaku ketika bergurau dan melawak apabila menggunakan perkataan atau perbuatan melambangkan keburukan seseorang.

Rasulullah saw pernah menegur Siti Aishah kerana berkata 'alangkah pendeknya perempuan itu' kepada seorang perempuan tua yang datang berjumpa dengan Rasulullah saw.

Kata-kata itu turut dianggap mengumpat kerana menyebut kelemahan sifat orang lain dengan memperkecil-kecilkannya.

Ini bermakna kita tidak boleh memanggil seseorang dengan panggilan menunjukkan kekurangan fizikal seperti botak atau buncit.

Tetapi masyarakat kita sering menggunakan lambang fizikal seseorang sebagai panggilan untuk melawak. Ada juga menyebut perkataan itu dengan tujuan panggilan 'mesra'.

Kita boleh memanggil seseorang dengangelaran itu jika orang itu bersetuju atau tidak marah.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Love Quotes

Love is sometimes denied, sometimes lost, sometimes unrecognized, but in the end, always found with no regret, forever valued and kept treasured.

The best part of love is losing all sense of reality. ~ Don Juan de Marco

Anyone can make a fool of themselves, but not everyone can go up to a person and tell them that they love them.

No matter how painful your past love life is, be brave and smile. Look forward to tomorrow. Someone is out there waiting for you.

I have faith that could make mountains fall;

But if I don't have love, I don't have anything at all;

I can give up everything I possess;

If I'm out without love, I am without happiness.

I knew he was going to turn my world upside down. My brain warned me, but my heart didn't want to take its advice.

Love can't make you stronger until love has made you weak.

I don't know why I love you. I just know that this is what I've waited for my whole life.

When you develop an infatuation for someone, you always find a reason to believe that this is exactly the person for you. ~ The Beach

It does not bother me to say that this isn't love, because if you don't want to talk about it then it isn't love. ~ Counting Crows

Whenever I watch romantic movies, witness couples kiss and make-up, listen to love songs. I smile and feel good, cause I know that love still works. If not for me, at least for others.

You once told me that love is something that always keeps growing, and that is the only thing about love that ever made sense to me. ~ Tim Yager

You don't love someone because of beauty. You love them because they're singing a song that only you can understand.

The entire sum of existence is the magic of being needed by just one person.

You shouldn't say I love you if you don't mean it. But if you do, you should say it a lot because sometimes people forget.

There are a lot of things about me that aren't what you thought. But if you love me, you have to love all the things about me. ~ Dirty Dancing

He told me that he loved you and you were that twinkle in his eye.

If only you knew exactly what I'm crazy about.

Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war, love is growing up. ~ James Baldwin

A dear friend of hers had once asked her what the opposite of love was and she immediately answered hate. She was wrong though. Hate is not the opposite of love because it takes some kind of feeling inside of you to hate someone. The true opposite of love was indifference. To live your life day to day and never think about that person or care about them in any way. If that saying was true, then love and hate were closer than most people believed.

Never forget your first love because they'll always be the one who started your heart beating.

Love is being there when you didn't get the job, when you don't have the money to go out, when someone is in a bad mood, when you're not the most popular or liked. It is easy to be in love when things are going well, but when things are not going well is when your true love should shine through and conquer all.

It seems I've spent too long only thinking about myself. But now I want to spend my life just caring about somebody else. ~ Phil Collins

Finally I have found a place into which I fit perfectly, safely and securely with no doubts, no fears, no sadness, no tears. This place is filled with happiness and laughter, yet it is spacious enough to allow me the freedom to move around to live my life by myself. This wonderful place which I never believed really existed, I have finally found in your arms, in your heart, in your love.

Sometimes you're afraid to be a couple with someone because you are afraid of losing what you already have with that person. But life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have, or could have had. No one waits forever.

The silent cry for help that only one can hear. The need to be loved by one is only to be loved by you.

You can't sweep people off their feet if you can't be swept off your own. ~ Clarence Day

Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, and you find that you still care for that person.

I'd climb the highest mountain, just to see you smile. I'd swim the ocean, just to hold your hand. I'd run a million miles, just to be with you forever. ~ Lisa Gilbert

Next time we meet I'll say, "I love the way, the way the heaven shines in your eyes." ~ Bail Out

To me, love is going to bed at night knowing that there is one person out there who is thinking of you at that same moment. Love is having a last call of the day be the one last person that you want to talk to while lying in your bed just before the day is over. Love is a smile, it's the one thing that you always want to do when in love because if it's true love, you're happy. And not only is it a smile on your face, but it's a smile in your heart. Love is forgiving. You may go through rough times but love gives the power to forgive and work things out. Most of all, in my opinion, love is an incredible feeling that everyone deserves to have in their life. No one can tell you if you're in love or not because only you know. There is no time limit on love. You might love someone after one week or maybe after one year. Love is different for everyone and that's why it's so unique.