Thursday, October 30, 2008

Onigiri adik..cantik en??hahaha



Onigiri aku wat..cantik la jgk kan..tapi xde la putih bersih cam adik punye..haha..blagak tol adik tu ngan aku...x abes2 kate onigiri die putih suci..


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pictorial image of health warnings on cigarette boxes from next year

Pictorial image of health warnings on cigarette boxes from next year

Source: Malaysia Today
Written by zen
Wednesday, 29 October 2008 23:03

Datuk Low Tiong Lai, the Health Minister said that starting next year, cigarette packs will carry pictorial health warnings. He said “By Jan 1, each cigarette brand must have at least two of its products carry these warnings. However, there may still be old stock in the country with the old packaging. By next June, all cigarette packs must carry the warnings. Besides these warnings, the packs must print on the side an advisory against selling cigarettes to those aged 18 years and below, and the warning that cigarette smoke contains 4,000 types of chemicals,” He added that “In Canada, these warnings have caused half of the smokers to want to quit and in Thailand, 80% of the smokers think these pictures are effective. Over the past 10 years, we have managed to reduce the number of smokers in Malaysia by 2% through our various campaigns. We are definitely not happy with that,”

.....2% jek..aduhai...sodihnyee...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Onigiri! >.<

Onigiri dan onigiri..

Huahuhaua...akhirnye tercapai gak impian aku nak wat onigiri a.k.a nasik kepal orang jepun..

Nak ade mood nak wat ni susah betol.. tup tup..skali kol 1 pagi baru ade lagi g la seven eleven ngan baju klawar nye..g beli tuna chili..nyam2..pedas itu menawan..

Balik2..basuh2 pinggan potong2 kentang ngan keret..basuh udang..potong bawang merah bawang putih n daun bawang..lalu kami mulekan gorengan..(kami tersebut merujuk kpd aku dan kakak aku..=siti aisyah)..

Kitorg blaja wat onigiri ni drpd you tube mmg best..ajar mcm2..aku suke! aku suke!..haha..

Dalam mencari2 the right recipe nak wat onigiri ni..tertgk la satu video ni..ajar wat handroll sushi..skali tu ade step die ajar cane nak buang taik udang pakai bamboo stick..kakak aku gembire gile..

Die kate ..."akhirnye!!leh makan udang tanpe taik!!"..hahaha..pastu die kate die da boleh kawen..
ade ke???hahaha..layan jek..

Da lame gile aku x memblog ni..terase balik nak memblog sbb nak cite psl onigiri ni..gembire gile jadik wat beras jepun ngan seaweed mmg mahal lorrrrr~~~ +.+