Sunday, June 6, 2010

Get well soon my dear Udin..

salamun alaik..

oh yeah...he might be mad...or..shall i say..he MUST be mad at least im not posting this on facebook..(though i don't see any difference here)..he looks handsome though..agree????

fuuuuhh~~for sure..he GONNA be really MAD at me..this is the picture that the person in the green outfit intended to send as MMS to his beloved HAKIM..below the picture he added..

"hai kawan2!"

not sure neither it was undelivered nor not even sent..but..i hope this can at least cheer up Udin's friends..i've seen a lot of comments about them missing him so hope that at least this "smile" of him can help us to endure our longing to see him as he was before..yasin for u my beloved brother..

keep on know we will keep holding on to Allah..praying for you..for we ourselves are gathering all our might..all our strength..just to see you SMILE AGAIN..

okay..nak bersiap2 nak pegi tgk udin..ape2hal..nanti akan diberitahu k..keep praying..don't ever give up..for Allah is All-Knowing and All-Hearing!yasin!


gReeN iS pEAce said...

insyaAllah everything will be ok..:)

MHakimS said...

thnks sbb share pic ni.

Rudy said...

Salad. :')

Semoga cepat sembuh. Ktorg akan terus berdoa.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much.. dia tak pnh nak berhenti buat orang gelak...

Khusyaliey D' Blogue said...

ana: yes..everything is gonna alright..lagu bob marley..(kot) :)

akim: welkam..xkisahkan kongsi2 kan..xkan awk nak tgk sorang t..kidding~ :)

rudy: terus dan terus..non stop ok..jangan nanges2 lg ye..kalo nak nanges, nanges dalam doa..moge doa kite diterime Allah :D

aeisy: die memang..sbb tu die ramai ke?? :)..

Ben18 said...

what a very handsome brother u have..
very lucky of u..

Khusyaliey D' Blogue said...

oh i knew it very well..very lucky me to have someone who acknowledged his handsome face..

Ben18 said...

not only handsome, but also very cute..u re very fortunate..

Khusyaliey D' Blogue said...

very cute indeeeeeeeeeeeed....~~~haha..cute sgt kan?meh la sini nak cubit pipi..